Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M&R)
All information on this page is preliminary.
Pavement begins to degrade shortly after being applied to a roadbed. How much time passes before damage progresses and becomes visible is dependent on a number of variables such as temperature, freeze-thaw cycles, vehicle weight, and usage frequency.
Maintenance actions, such as crack sealing, joint sealing, fog seals, and patching help slow the rate of deterioration by identifying and addressing specific pavement deficiencies that contribute to overall deterioration (go to source).
Rehabilitation is the act of repairing portions of an existing pavement to reset the deterioration process. For instance, removing and replacing the wearing course in a pavement provides new wearing course material on which the deterioration process begins anew. (go to source).
M&R Options
Transfer responsibility for road maintenance and repair to Lewis County. At some point in the past, this was assessed and will be documented on this site as information about it is received.
Community volunteers have been performing some maintenance activities such as trimming vegetation along the road and applying repair material to areas of road damage.
Any significant rehabilitation tasks would require a pavement contractor.
M&R Approach
What follows are steps in a draft process that could be used to maintain Tanglewood Drive.
Develop M&R Categories and Costs
M&R of pavement has been accomplished for decades and guidance exists which can be used to describe pavement damage and repair costs.
Describe and Categorize Damage
(go to page)Describing the damage condition of the road is required to develop approaches for M&R. Ultimately the condition description enables the association of damage with M&R approaches, cost, and the development of an estimated service life.
Map of Damage and Repair Locations
(after clicking, it may take some time before the map is presented)Associate M&R Options with Specific Road Damage
Once damage has been categorized, the M&R options for the damage can be cataloged and assessed relative to a particular location. The options will range from least expensive to most expensive, and from least effective to most effective in extending the service life of the pavement.
Develop Recommendations for M&R
For any given damage location, multiple M&R approaches could be applied. The primary trade-off will likely be cost versus service life extension whether the repair is accomplished using a pavement contractor or member labor and materials.
The development of the recommendations should also include a suggested prioritization of various M&R actions.
Communicate M&R Options to Members and Community
Select M&R Option
Act on Selected Option
DC == Damage ClassificationIOT == Impact of Treatment[DC, IOT] Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (2018). Validation of Pavement Performance Measures Using LTPP Data: Final Report. Office of Infrastructure Research and Development, Federal Highway Administration.
[DC, IOT] Michigan State University. (2017). Pavement Performance Measures and Forecasting and the Effects of Maintenance and Rehabilitation Strategy on Treatment Effectiveness. Federal Highway Administration.
[DC] Office of Infrastructure Research and Development. (2014). Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program (Fifth Revised Edition). US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
[DC] Highways and Local Programs. (1999). Pavement Surface Condition Field Rating Manual for Asphalt Pavements. Washington State Department of Transportation.