Why was the Tanglewood Road Association created?

Sixty-two properties are accessed using the private portion of Tanglewood Drive.  Maintenance and repair of the road relies on the collective contribution of property owners. The Association is a means for owners to gather and select approaches for maintaining and repairing the road.

Is the Association a legal entity?

The Association is not a legal entity.  For example, it's not a Home Owner's Association with covenants, conditions, and restrictions. 

If I access my parcel using Tanglewood Drive, am I legally required to pay for maintenance and repair of the road?

This is a good question for a lawyer (which we aren't).  We do know that in an agreement entitled "Road Maintenance Agreement (9401956)," dated 7 July 1993, property owners agreed to maintain and repair Tanglewood Drive. 

Approximately fifty-one parcels were subdivided from the original set of parcels specified in the Agreement, and as of February 2024, surveys associated with an additional seven parcels were found to contain references to the agreement. Lewis County documentation for another parcel references Tanglewood maintenance but does not specifically reference the agreement.

Based on preliminary research completed February 2024, three parcels accessing Tanglewood don't appear to be linked to a maintenance agreement.

Also see the History page for more information.

Does Lewis County require a Road Maintenance Agreement?

Yes, Lewis County Code 16.05.360 and 16.10.440 specifies that maintenance agreements shall be required for all subdivisions which have private roads. 

Does Lewis County or the State of Washington help maintain Tanglewood Drive?

No, they are not responsible for maintenance or repair of Tanglewood Drive.

Does Lewis County have requirements for private road surfacing?

Yes, Lewis County Code 12.60.370 references standards for private road surfacing. Standard Details 3-1 specifically address Rural Road Sections.