Information Resources

Pavement Information and Specifications

Pavements - Federal Highway Administration

Asphalt Mixture Design and Balanced Mix Design - Federal Highway Administration

A COMPLETE GUIDE TO ASPHALT PAVEMENT - Commercial Asphalt Maintenance & Repair - ACI

Technical References

DC == Damage ClassificationIOT == Impact of Treatment

Maintenance Manual - Maintenance Operations (M 51-01.11). (2023). Washington State Department of Transportation.

[DC, IOT] Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (2018). Validation of Pavement Performance Measures Using LTPP Data: Final Report. Office of Infrastructure Research and Development, Federal Highway Administration.

[DC, IOT] Michigan State University. (2017). Pavement Performance Measures and Forecasting and the Effects of Maintenance and Rehabilitation Strategy on Treatment Effectiveness. Federal Highway Administration.

[DC] Office of Infrastructure Research and Development. (2014). Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program (Fifth Revised Edition). US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

[DC] Highways and Local Programs. (1999). Pavement Surface Condition Field Rating Manual for Asphalt Pavements. Washington State Department of Transportation.


Washington State Department of Transportation - This potential grant source does not appear to be applicable to TRA.